Julie Seymour
As part of my role at St Margaret's College I facilitate a sports accelerator programme, whereby we are lucky enough to have world class speakers such as Todd come in and deliver sessions with our girls. Todd has been working with our students delivering the all important area of mental skills for the last 5 years. Whenever I chat to high school students about the challenges in sport, the area of mental skills always comes up as the most challenging area for them, so I feel it is very important that we begin to provide them with the tools to flourish in this area.
Todd is a natural born teacher, he has a wonderful way with the girls and the sessions which he delivers are age appropriate, informative and interactive. I love that Todd is able to use his own experience to give the girls practical tools which they can take, not only their sporting situations, but also into life in general. Some of the areas that Todd covers with the girls include, mindfulness, coping with nerves and pressure, planning and preparation and positive self talk.
The feedback from the girls has been overwhelmingly positive and they find Todd easy to connect with. As a school we are very appreciative of the time and energy Todd puts into preparing sessions for our students, we value his huge amount of knowledge and professional manner.
I would not hesitate in recommending Todd to work with any team or organisation, the benefits to them would be immense.
Silver Fern 1994-2008
Tactix Assistant Coach
St Margaret's College Health and Physical Education Teacher
Ian Macpherson
Medbury’s ‘Breakfast with the Boys’ is an iconic event bringing parents and sons together to hear thought provoking, relevant and entertaining messages from inspirational speakers. This year’s (2021) guest speaker was former Black Cap and proud Cantabrian, Todd Astle, who delivered messages that connected to our youngest boys through to proud grandparents. Todd’s real-life examples and how these could be transferred across into everything from school environments to business and corporate life gave everyone ample ’takeaways’ to ponder. The School is very keen to have Todd return to speak to both staff and the parent community and to learn about techniques to maximise untapped potential.
Medbury School
Alastair Miles
Our staff thoroughly enjoyed Todd coming to speak to them about the tools he used in his sporting career to deal with pressure and stress, and to maximise the opportunity to succeed, and how he made them relevant to the tasks and situations of every day life at work and at home.
I would thoroughly recommend Todd to any business who is serious in investing in the wellbeing of their staff.
Miles Construction
Keryn Ambler
Todd is an accomplished group facilitator and public speaker. He is always very well prepared which allows him to expertly tailor his delivery to his target audience. Todd’s style is one of being very open and authentic which fosters interaction and connection with each member of his audience. Todd provides practical tools to assist people’s understanding and learning by offering his own life experiences as examples.
Development Manager
Christchurch Metro Cricket Association
Mark Ranby
Todd’s lived experience and relaxed style of delivery meant that he connected with the audience straight away. His personal story of dealing with loss, seeking help and reigniting his approach to the sport he has always loved had a number of practical tools for the players to take away. The questions the players had for him during the session and following it demonstrated a high level of engagement. If you are looking for a speaker to bring life to buzzwords like - resilience, well being, performance, culture - or just a great personal story get in touch with Todd.
Personal Development Manager
Garth Wynne
Todd Astle is a humble, engaging man who through his own story has much to give to the lives of others. I have heard Todd speak to a group of impressionable students and his impact was exceptional. Not only does Todd inspire, he connects and relates in a way that motivates in others change for the good. Todd is a person and leader of real authenticity... what more could one ask for.
Executive Principle
Christ's College
Jon Derry
We asked Todd to provide some professional development to the Canterbury West Coast Head of Sport and Sports Coordinator Network, to support the wellbeing and resilience of this busy group of high school-based sports administration professionals. Through Todd’s exceptional facilitation skills, he quickly made a genuine connection with the group enabling them to share experiences and feel safe to acknowledge vulnerability. In the short time available Todd had a significant impact for all involved, supporting them to recognise when they were under pressure and develop strategies to ensure their own wellbeing and focus.
Regional Sports Director
School Sport Canterbury