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If you're an athlete at a competitive level, then you know the constant pressures and demands to perform. You consistently want great results. A risk that comes with this, is associating your value with your outcomes. It is important that you know, first and foremost, that you are a human being who chooses to play a sport, compete and perform. You are not your results and your performances; they are merely an indication of...
Tips and tools for thriving in a time of isolation, social distancing and uncertainty.
1. Establish healthy eating habits
Let food be thy medicine. When we are stuck at home we are never too far from the fridge or pantry. Now is the perfect time to gain greater awareness and insight into your eating habits and try to develop a heightened sense of accountability. Perhaps keep note of what you are eating and drinking with a...
There are no shortcuts to success. Planning and preparation are one of the biggest foundations in being able to perform at a high level consistently. However, planning and preparation are what many people look to take shortcuts with. After all, the one percenters seem so mundane and trivial. The mere fact they are so basic and simple makes them so easy not to do. Common sense doesn’t always equate to common practice. Shortcuts in...
Ever since I was a young boy I wanted to play cricket for New Zealand. Cricket was my everything. I lived and breathed it. If I wasn't playing backyard cricket with my brother, I would be down at the nets bowling bag after bag of balls at targets, or having throw-downs with my Dad. Morning tea and lunch breaks at school comprised of pick-up cricket games with often a shoe for a bat and...
Technology today has fractured our attention into smaller and smaller fragments. In a time when no one seems to have enough 'time', our devices allow us to be many places at once, but at the cost of being unable to fully inhabit the place where we actually want to be, ‘the now’.
…Come in mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgement. Ultimately, mindfulness leads...